Thursday, March 1, 2012

Opportunities for Graduate Students

@ The Simpson Center for the Humanities at the University of Washington

Graduate students are integral to the culture of crossdisciplinary inquiry and innovation fostered at the Simpson Center for the Humanities.

The Center offers a rich variety of opportunities for intellectual community, professional development, and financial support that advance crossdisciplinary understanding, collaboration, and research. Center activities connect graduate students across departments with peers, faculty, staff, regional communities, and cultural organizations.

Graduate students participate in all aspects of our four-fold mission:
  • to further crossdisciplinary research and inquiry
  • to pilot crossdisciplinary research and curriculum
  • to promote public scholarship and university-community engagement
  • to develop scholarly initiatives at the leading edge of change
Graduate student involvement takes many forms, including:
  • coursework and microseminars with visiting speakers
  • student-led Graduate Interest Groups (GIGS) and research clusters
  • selective workshops, institutes, and fellowships

To learn more about the Simpson Center programs, events, fellowships and grants, and to sign up for a weekly digest of announcements, visit

Graduate Education at the Leading Edge of Change
Over the last decade, the Simpson Center has gained national recognition for its work advancing public scholarship, digital humanities, and crossdisciplinary collaboration. Graduate students are at the forefront of shaping these formative areas.

Public Scholarship
The Certificate in Public Scholarship enables graduate students to integrate their intellectual, professional, and political commitments through engagement with diverse publics. Its project- and portfolio-based curriculum emphasizes collaboration with an expanding network of peers, faculty, and community partners.

HUM 595 Public Culture/Engaged Scholarship courses and microseminars explore relations among cultural research, public practice, and diverse forms of community engagement.
Public Scholarship/Community Engagement grants support projects that promote dialogue, exchange, and collaboration between UW scholars and community partners in educational, cultural, governmental, non-profit, and grassroots organizations.

Digital Humanities
With the support of a Challenge Grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Simpson Center is endowing a Digital Humanities Commons dedicated to innovative forms of collaborative and multimodal digital scholarship. Its annual summer fellowship program for faculty and dissertators begins 2013 and will be supported by regular micro-seminars and lectures.

Short courses, seminars, and workshops, on topics such as digital pedagogies and cultural research and digital collections, convene critical conversations about practices of scholarly multimedia production, authorship, and project design and offer an intensive opportunity to foster communities of digital practice at the UW.

HASTAC Scholars Program: Graduate students are selected annually to represent the Simpson Center and the University of Washington by participating in the Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Advanced Collaboratory (HASTAC).

Crossdisciplinary Collaboration
Crossdisciplinary Research Clusters and Graduate Interest Groups allow graduate students to develop projects together with other students, faculty, visiting scholars, and community practitioners.

Interdisciplinary Dissertation Prospectus Workshops, framed around thematic inquiries, offer training in interdisciplinary methodology.

Society of Scholars Research Fellowships provide advanced dissertators with research time and intellectual community. Applications accepted each fall.

Find additional opportunities on our website:

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